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How to Grow Indoor Plants

Growing plants indoors provides fantastic physical and mental health benefits for people, plus all that greenery inside  looks great!

Plants have been proven to remove air-borne toxins created by paints, furniture finishes and air pollution. Just one or two plants start to increase air quality significantly in a space and 10 or more plants provide the maximum health and wellness benefit. As well as giving us cleaner air, they create feelings of relaxation, inspiration and positivity.

Don’t just take our word for it, read all the science behind the importance of having Plant Life Balance at https://plantlifebalance.com.au/the-science/

From Anthurium to ZZ Plant, there is a fabulous range of plants available which are suited to growing indoors. The key to success with indoor plants is putting the right plant in the right place and giving it a little bit of TLC.


Most indoor plants thrive in a well-lit position, out of direct sunlight. They can get burnt if sunshine comes through glass directly onto the leaves. It can act like a magnifying glass and burn the plant.


Use a good quality, free draining potting mix with the quality assured ticks of approval. Plants need to be
re-potted into fresh potting mix every 2 years. Trim the root ball lightly when repotting into the same pot or put the plant into a larger pot. A quality potting mix will have slow release fertiliser, trace elements and all the nutrients your indoor plant needs to get off to a great start.


Regular applications of an indoor plant tonic, such as Hydro Tonic Indoor Plant Spray, will ensure that your plant can take up the right nutrition to thrive. Add a slow release fertiliser, such as Growsafe, every six months after the initial planting. Or apply a liquid fertiliser specially for indoor plants.


Water your plants when they need it. Allow the top of the potting mix to dry out a little between waterings. Put your finger down into the potting mix and check if it is damp. Keep the soil moist but not wet and only water when needed. Don’t allow the potting mix to dry out completely as it is difficult to rewet it. Plants near windows in direct light will need more regular water than those away from the window.


Tropical plants like humid conditions and benefit from regular misting around the leaves. Be aware how conditions change inside the house, especially with heating in winter or air conditioning and dry winds in summer. Make sure tropical varieties are getting the humidity they need.


Make sure the pot has adequate draining. When using a cover pot or saucer, don’t let water sit around the root system as the plant can get overwatered. This is a common cause of death in house plants.

Regular Care:

Prune off any brown or dead leaves and remove them. Gently wipe any dust off the leaves. Plants benefit from a regular holiday in a sheltered spot outdoors. Rotating plants from indoors to outdoors will help them stay healthy. Two weeks indoors then one week outside can be a good routine.

Common Pests:

Keep an eye out for Aphids, Fungus Gnats, Mealy Bugs, Mites and Scale. Treat any outbreaks with a botanical oil or an organic pesticide recommended for that pest.

Common Diseases:

Sooty Mould, Mildew and Fungal leaf spots are the most common diseases found on indoor plants. Treat with an appropriate fungicide.

Healthy plants are much more resistant to pests and diseases, so look after your plants and they will look after you.

Browse our full range of indoor plants. SHOP NOW

Please note that this is intended as general information only. Please ask one of our qualified horticulturists for more specific advice for your situation.

Recomended Further Reading